At Hunter Jones Alton we have many years of experience in preparing and advising on accounts. Whether your business is a small sole trader, partnership or large limited company we will ensure the accounts are prepared accurately and fully tax compliant, whilst saving you the maximum amount of tax.
For annual accounts, we will work from your records whether these are manual books, spreadsheets or a software system. We have vast knowledge on various software packages, including Sage, Quickbooks, Iris Kashflow (see Client Resources), Xero, Wave and others.
We will provide you with the detailed accounts and ensure you are aware of all necessary deadlines and that these are met. We like to discuss and explain the accounts with you so that you can understand the figures and what they mean for you to enable you to continue to operate and grow a successful business.
Limited Companies
For limited companies, in addition to all of the above we will also prepare your accounts under the relevant Financial Reporting Standards for your company. We will ensure the accounts are submitted to Companies House and HM Revenue and Customs before the deadlines.
Business Start-Ups
We realise that starting your own business can be a daunting task, we will guide you through and help you to understand everything involved with running your own business, from administration, tax rates, deadlines, advise on the most suitable business structure (limited company versus sole trader), tax planning, VAT and answer all your questions.